So I've been pretty bad about posting, so this post is kind of a catch-all.
A while back, I came across
I knew that I had to wait until Aubree had the dexterity to handle a squirt bottle and the comprehension to follow guidance and participate, so I just set it up the other day-- she's now 18 months, so I feel that she's ready to progress to the next "step" of guided activities.
Sorry for the terrible quality of the pictures! I forgot to charge my camera beforehand, so I had to use my phone. I took her sensory bin and spread baking soda around in it. Then I took squirt bottles, filled them with some vinegar, and added a few drops of liquid water color to each bottle. Then I let Aubs squirt the bottles into the baking soda and watch the reactions!
Then a few friends of mine had been sharing
this. I thought it looked deliiiiicious, so I went ahead and made it. SO easy and it turned out great!
We took a two person serving of spaghetti, cooked it, mixed it with tomato sauce (not TOO much-- just enough to coat and give a bit of color) and three sausages worth of cooked Italian sausage, and set that aside. Took a frozen loaf of bread, thawed it (takes 2ish hours-- hint: do this on a smooth surface, like glass or something; much easier to pry sticky dough off of), rolled it into a flat rectangle (about 12 x 18 in), then topped it with plastic wrap and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then I spooned the spaghetti mixture into the center of the rectangle length-wise. I kept the spaghetti wall about 4 in thick, so that I'd have plenty of room to weave over it. Then I sliced the dough sides every 1 - 1.5 in and wove it piece-by-piece to make a sort of "braided" loaf. Then I brushed the top with egg white, dusted it with garlic powder and rosemary, and baked it at 350 for 30 min.
Here's the finished product:
And the deliiiicious inside :)
Then we went paddleboating as a family-- SUPER fun! We went over to Northwest River Park and went down the the very end of the creek-- it was a good couple of miles. Our legs were definitely feeling it by the end, but it was SUCH a blast. Aubree's first time on a boat, too!
All of us together
It was gorgeous!
We went under low-lying branches so that Aubree could play with the leaves :)
Then that night, I figured I'd organize our cards. I had pinned
this. I'm not very sentimental, but my husband is and he keeps every card he (now we) receives. So we had been hoarding cards in this big pile in a cardboard box-- attractive, right? Plus Scott (that's my husband) loves to go through them and reread them, so it's a pain to sort through a big stack. This system was WAY more efficient!
And then an idea of how it works, closer up
It turned out wonderfully! I also did another category-- Deployment Cards. The cards that my husband got while he was on deployment. They're primarily from me, but there are a few from other folks in there too. We figured that this would be a GREAT way for him to bring them with him next deployment-- saves space (goodness knows that those lockers on the ships don't have much room in them), keeps it organized, etc. He was thrilled :)
That's all that I can think of for now-- most of our activities since then, I haven't been taking pictures of. I've been pretty bad about charging the camera lol. Oh! I did make some nomenclature cards and coloring pages:
This week was a failed start to "A" week haha! I only did two days of "A" activities. So I'll be doing "A" week again this coming week. I just need to make sure that I stick with it and find fun things to do with "A"s.
Letter of the week is an AWESOME resource for that, so that's what I'll be using as a basic skeleton. I'll be changing stuff out, supplementing, and creating my own activities, but Letter of the Week really is a great source.